Spirit and Soul become confused

Spirit and Soul become confused is a work of the German composer Johann Sebastian Bach. Free download sheet music and score "Spirit and Soul become confused" as pdf file use the link on this page.

Instrumentation Voices: alto
Orchestra: 2 oboes, taille, organ obbligato, strings, continuo
Language German
Key D major
Movements 7 movements
  • Prima parte
1. Sinfonia [Concerto] (D minor)
2. Aria (alto): Geist und Seele wird verwirret (A minor)
3. Recitativo (alto): Ich wundre mich (F major-G minor)
4. Aria (alto): Gott hat alles wohlgemacht! (F major)
  • Seconda parte
5. Sinfonia (D minor)
6. Recitativo (alto): Ach, starker Gott, laß mich (B-flat major-A minor)
7. Aria (alto): Ich wünsche nur bei Gott zu leben (C major)
Piece Style Baroque
Composer Time Period Baroque
Opus (Catalogue Number) BWV 35, BC A 125
Year of Creation 1726
Year of First Publication

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Sheet music Complete score
File 4.64MB, 50 pp.
Copyright Public Domain