Praise God! The year now draws to a close

Praise God! The year now draws to a close is a work of the German composer Johann Sebastian Bach. Free download sheet music and score "Praise God! The year now draws to a close" as pdf file use the link on this page.

Instrumentation Voices: soprano, alto, tenor, bass + mixed chorus (SATB)
Orchestra: 2 oboes, taille, cornett (or horn), 3 trombones, strings, continuo
Language German
Key A minor
Movements 6 movements
  1. Aria (soprano): Gottlob! nun geht das Jahr zu Ende (A minor)
  2. Choral: Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren (C major)
  3. Recitativo ed Arioso (bass): So spricht der Herr: Es soll mir eine (E minor)
  4. Recitativo (tenor): Gott ist ein Quell, wo lauter Güte fleußt (G major-C major)
  5. Aria Duetto (alto, tenor): Gott hat uns im herigen Jahre gesegnet (C major)
  6. Choral: All solch dein Güt wir preisen (A minor)
Average Duration 20 minutes
Piece Style Baroque
Composer Time Period Baroque
Opus (Catalogue Number) BWV 28, BC A 20
Year of Creation 1725
Year of First Publication

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File 2.25MB, 28 pp.
Copyright Public Domain