O greatly longed-for feast of joy

O greatly longed-for feast of joy is a work of the German composer Johann Sebastian Bach. Free download sheet music and score "O greatly longed-for feast of joy" as pdf file use the link on this page.

Instrumentation Voices: soprano, tenor, bass + mixed chorus (SATB)
Orchestra: oboe (or 3 oboes), bassoon, strings, continuo (harpsichord and/or organ obbligato)
Language German
Key B-flat major
Movements 12 movements
  • Prima Parte
1. Chorus: Höchsterwünschtes Freudenfest
2. Recitative (bass): Unendlich großer Gott, ach wende dich
3. Aria (bass): Was des Höchsten Glanz erfüllt
4. Recitative (soprano): Wie könnte dir, du höchstes Angesicht
5. Aria (soprano): Hilf, Gott, dass es uns gelingt
6. Chorale: Heilger Geist ins Himmels Throne
  • Secondo Parte
7. Recitative (tenor): Ihr Heiligen, erfreuet euch
8. Aria (tenor): Des Höchsten Gegenwart allein
9. Duet Recitative (soprano, bass): Kann wohl ein Mensch zu Gott im Himmel steigen
10. Duetto Aria (soprano, bass): O wie wohl ist uns geschehn
11. Recitative (bass): Wohlan demnach, du heilige Gemeine
12. Chorale: Sprich Ja zu meinen Taten
Piece Style Baroque
Composer Time Period Baroque
Opus (Catalogue Number) BWV 194, BC A 91a-b, BC B 31
Year of Creation 1723
Year of First Publication

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Sheet music Complete score
File 2.50MB, 40 pp.
Copyright Public Domain