It is our salvation come here to us

It is our salvation come here to us is a work of the German composer Johann Sebastian Bach. Free download sheet music and score "It is our salvation come here to us" as pdf file use the link on this page.

Instrumentation Voices: soprano, alto, tenor, bass + mixed chorus (SATB)
Orchestra: flute traverso, oboe d’amore, strings, continuo
Language German
Key E major
Movements 7 movements
  1. Chorus: Es ist das Heil uns kommen her (E major)
  2. Recitative (bass): Gott gab uns ein Gesetz (C-sharp minor - B major)
  3. Aria (tenor): Wir waren schon zu tief gesunken (E major)
  4. Recitative (bass): Doch mußte das Gesetz erfüllet werden (B minor to A major)
  5. Duetto Aria (soprano, alto): Herr, du siehst statt guter Werke (A major)
  6. Recitative (bass): Wenn wir die Sünd aus dem Gesetz erkennen (E major)
  7. Chorale: Ob sichs anließ, als wollt er nicht (E major)
Average Duration 20 minutes
Piece Style Baroque
Composer Time Period Baroque
Opus (Catalogue Number) BWV 9, BC A 107
Year of Creation 1731
Year of First Publication

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Sheet music Complete score
File 2.89MB, 32 pp.
Copyright Public Domain