Christ our lord to the Jordan came

Christ our lord to the Jordan came is a work of the German composer Johann Sebastian Bach. Free download sheet music and score "Christ our lord to the Jordan came" as pdf file use the link on this page.

Instrumentation Voices: alto, tenor, bass + mixed chorus (SATB)
Orchestra: 2 oboes d’amore, 2 violin concertante, strings, continuo (organ)
Language German
Key E minor
Movements 7 movements
  1. Chorus: Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam (E minor)
  2. Aria (bass): Merkt und hört, ihr Menschenkinder (G major)
  3. Recitative (tenor): Dies hat Gott klar mit Worten (D minor)
  4. Aria (tenor): Des Vaters Stimme ließ sich hören (A minor)
  5. Recitative (bass): Als Jesus dort nach seinen Leiden (B minor)
  6. Aria (alto): Menschen, glaubt doch dieser Gnade (E minor)
  7. Chorale: Das Aug allein das Wasser sieht (E minor)
Average Duration 25 minutes
Piece Style Baroque
Composer Time Period Baroque
Opus (Catalogue Number) BWV 7, BC A 177
Year of Creation 1724
Year of First Publication

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File 3.22MB, 34 pp.
Copyright Public Domain